I was doing some research on binding for personal reasons prior to the PBP. I initially intended to bind this person to prevent them from further harassment of myself and my daughter, especially after my mother had passed away. So in researching this topic, I have found that there are several ways to bind a person. You could bind someone whom you have a strong attraction for, but, I would not want to do that. I want someone to love me for me, not because of a spell. Then there are spells to bind/prevent another person from harming or harassing you or someone close to you. But, from what I have read and my own perceptions, even then that person is bound to you is some way. Not so sure I’d want that either. I truly want this person out of our lives and to stop their verbal harassment. So I looked at banishing. Banishing is the removal of someone or something that is harmful in yours or your loved ones life. But, in both instances, one must ALWAYS think about what you are going to do before you do it. What are the consequences should I do this? What is doubly difficult is the fact that I am now in an apartment and really no access to a lot of privacy. This is a lesson in patience.
I am really sorry that these have been so limited in details right now. I am still mourning my mother. And on top of everything, this person that has been harassing myself and my daughter has compounded the stress.
Blessings to you gentle readers.